With most of us taking the majority of our photos on our smartphones in this day and age, it’s a huge accolade to be regarded as the phone that has the best camera. But the Samsung Galaxy 7 may have in fact grabbed the title of having the best phone camera.

Less Means More
Apparently, less pixels now mean bigger pixels which in turn, allows more light to enter, drastically improving low-light shooting. With this new technology put to the test on the S7 handset, it takes some amazing shots in darkened environments, removing that annoying graininess that can be seen on many mobile phone photos. Even a photo taken in a darkened room comes out in good quality.
A Game Changer in 2016
This new form of technology is set to considerably change the game in 2016, as more and more big players on the Android market up their picture taking game. HTC and LG have both come to market with vastly improved phone cameras already with the dual-lens system allowing for some really unique shots.
Many critics of Android have often claimed that photography is one of the key areas where Apple has continued to beat Google. Many older models of iPhone, such as the 5 or 5S, takes pictures of an excellent quality as well as faster than many Android flagship phones which have been released in the past 12 months.
But the one which has prided itself on its photo taking skills on the Android market is Samsung, and the Galaxy S7 has without a doubt the best camera that’s currently available on a mobile phone – even compared to the iPhone 6!
2016 will be an interesting year to see what new and wonderful camera phones come onto the market, so watch this space!
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