News — Accessory

Olixar Anti Lost Device - The Essential Gadget EVERYBODY Needs

Over the weekend I had the dreaded moment where I fumbled around my pockets and behind the sofa cushions frantically searching for my car keys as I was late for an appointment when I had the Eureka lightbulb experience and remembered I own the fantastic Olixar Anti Lost Device. One simple click later on my smartphone device and I was back in business. It struck me that not many of the readers may have heard of this device before, but if you read on you will see it is the next essential necessity that will sweep across the nations homes in the coming months and years, and you can get your hands on one here first at GadgetWear.

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Jabra Sports Plus - The Ultimate Bluetooth Workout Buddy

It is widely known that the Beats range dominates the market in terms of the most common method of listening to music, but we are big fans in the office of the Jabra range if you’re a fitness fanatic and enjoy listening to music whilst working out in a comfortable manner. Fitness and gym going is a massive trend at the moment, and Jabra goes hand in hand with that demanding market.

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MIPOW - Light Up Your Life - Bluetooth Lightbulbs For Your Home

Authored By Mikey Mangan 0 Comment(s)

One of our bestselling collections here at GadgetWear is the fantastic MIPOW Bluetooth range. Available in a variety of formats, ranging from Bluetooth candles to Bluetooth speakers and many more. I am here today though to talk specifically about the MIPOW Bluetooth speaker collection.

It has reason to be one of the top sellers, and I am here to tell you why you need MIPOW to light up your life today. The everyday lightbulb has one boring job to do, and that is to be screwed in and to provide light to your home. In the modern day there are new crazes everyday emerging, based on energy efficient methods and there is a greater support of eco-friendly devices than we have ever seen before. The collection starts at just £34.99 on our website, there are of course cheaper options, but they are far inferior to what the MIPOW range offers.

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